
Submitted by Ben Sclair, Publisher, The Suburban Times.

Effective immediately, no election or candidate related content, of any kind, will be published on The Suburban Times.

I’ve removed all prior election or candidate related content from The Suburban Times website. Any such content that remains should be considered an oversight, not an endorsement.

Words like “racist”, “communist”, “liar”, “tyrant”, and more have started appearing on the website.

When I launched The Suburban Times in 2005, it was with the hope and goal of providing a place for positive news and information and announcements and events and thoughts about our shared communities.

I’ve had enough.

I’m not interested in operating a website where neighbors spew vitriol at one another. 

If you care to join me, I’m happy to welcome you along for the ride. If not, best of luck to you.


Source: The Suburban Times